TEPTH (The Exam Preparation and Testing House) is committed to the policy of equal opportunities for disabled faculty staff and students. It aims to create accommodating environment that enables them to participate fully in the mainstream of scholastic life and realize their individual potential. TEPTH seeks to develop and implement leading practices in the area.
This disability policy states TEPTH’s commitments and responsibilities under UAE legislation and its goal to ensure an inclusively supportive environment for people with a disability that are participating in work and study at The Exam Preparation and Testing House.
This policy applies to all teaching staff and students of TEPTH. Some faculty staff of TEPTH has specific responsibilities in reference to the implementation of this disability policy.
Support Services and Resources:
TEPTH devotedly provides additional support services and resources in order to assist its associated teachers with disability. We give special facilities to help students with disability or health-related needs, so that they can feasibly deal with their learning difficulties. For the case of point, we have established assistive learning programs and e-courses for disabled people. We furnish every possible facility for the faculty and students to reduce the snags of their physical impairment.
Targeted Intervention and Other Support Services:
At TEPTH, we provide a continuum of support resources and services for registered students with disability and learning hitches. This may include:
· Guidance officers
· Support teachers (literacy and numeracy)
· Speech-language pathologists
· Behavior support trainers
· Teacher aides
· Assistive technology
· Alternative format materials
· Differentiated teaching practices
· Special provision for assessment
· Customized study programs
Disability Criteria for Enrollment:
We do not need any formal diagnosis of a learning disability to give any student the support he needs. Evidence-based information would be enough and we respond to his learning requirements irrespective of the cause, by monitoring and evaluating his progress in the course opted. TEPTH’s decision makers will decide whether an individual is a ‘person with a disability’ for the purpose of enrolment in the center. He must satisfy the criteria outlined below. Only who meet the following criteria will be taken as disabled person needing special learning and testing facilities.
1. Total or partial loss of any of his body parts
2. Having malfunction or disfigurement of any of his body parts
3. Showing disturbed behavior because of a disorder, disease or illness affecting his judgment power, thought processes, emotions and perceptions of reality.
4. Any physical weakness prone to disease development or illness
5. Bodily Malfunction or disorder affecting individual’s learning capacity and he learns differently from other people with no such disorder or malfunction.
Action Plan:
TEPTH’s action plan committee outlines the strategic priorities, goals and actions as the most integral aspect of the disability policy. This is for the continual performance improvement of TEPTH in relation to faculty staff and students with disabilities.
TEPTH will:
1. Ensure the academic integrity of its study programs is well-managed and maintained at the highest international standards.
2. Make reasonable modifications to ensure that disabled people have satisfactory access to the academic or occupational activities of TEPTH.
3. Provide appropriate support to faculty members and registered students to enable them to pursue their career or academic goals with full confidence.
4. Promote access to education and employment for individuals with disabilities together with maintaining the reliability of merit principles.
5. Negotiate a practically reasonable adjustment working or learning plan, if required, for people with a disability.
6. Ensure that a person with disability is provided with the opportunity for consultation and contribution in decision-making plans related to their role within TEPTH and that matters regarding the needs of people with disabilities.
7. Take severe action against any incident of direct/indirect harassment, discrimination or bullying by any member of TEPTH’s faculty or students against another on the basis of his disability. This thing is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated if allegations proved true after thorough inquiry.